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Party Experience Bonus

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Build party with at least 3 up to 5 different classes and get a bit more exp than solo:

Almost No Bonus Party

  •  2 members in a party: - 10% exp
  •  3 members in a party: - 5% exp
  •  4 members in a party: + 5% exp
  •  5 members in a party: + 10% exp

 (when 2 same races in PT , example: BK+BK+SM+MG+SUM)

Bonus Party

  •  3 different character classes in a party: + 8% exp
  •  4 different character classes in a party: + 16% exp
  •  5 different character classes in a party: + 24% exp

(when different races in PT , example: BK+ELF+SM+MG+SUM)

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